
let's go away for a while

we got back home from our trip up north to shoot a wedding early sunday morning, but not before stopping for gas and a mini date somewhere between michigan and ohio.
i don't do weddings very often...only when asked...and who can refuse a wedding? haha
but this was my first with matt helping and boy oh boy did he do a fine job. i somehow suckered him into being my 2nd shooter with no promise of compensation besides my company. 
he's good to me like that.
and i love how regardless of the long trip and full day of picture taking, with an even longer-seeming trip back home, there is always time for a coffee date with my guy.

happy may, sweet friends!
it's forever raining here, which is starting to make this gal antsy. 
i've got a garden to plant!
but i guess it's nothing a little trash bag rain poncho can't fix.


  1. What a beautiful picture of you. It is nonstop rain here too. I'm hoping it means lots of flowers later.

  2. the little treat in that last picture looks YUMMY! and thinking maybe i'll take my husband to starbucks tonight after seeing this post :)

  3. That sounds like a marvelous day! I hope your rain comes my way for a while instead! =]

  4. You guys are gorgeous! Sounds very quirky romantic. I like that.

  5. ooo sounds fun :) I'm loving all of your posts and photos [totally to die for]

  6. Beautiful photos! I especially love the photo of you...stunning!

  7. I'm tired of this rain, too! We picnicked this weekend, and I was hoping it would hold me over until the sun came back out, but I'm already feeling cabin fever coming on!

  8. His hair/beard combo is incredible, and you are gorgeous!

    Doesn't it suck that the drive home ALWAYS takes way longer than the drive there?

  9. Aw, what a sweet partner/2nd shooter you have! Sounds like a wonderful weekend away. xx

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. You two are so darling <3 Ryan and I could use a double date! *wink wink*

  12. ALWAYS love those special "together" moments! :) hope you continue to have a multitude more.

  13. What a beautiful day :) .. Your blog is such a breath of fresh air; and I genuinely smile every time I read it...thanks Katie :)

  14. photography, painting, decorating, gardening, being cute in every sense of the word (and now athletic too?!)... what can't ya do my katie? <3

  15. do you know how gorgeous you are? and i love that you have a life to match. what a beautiful weekend.

  16. I love that you guys work together creatively in so many capacities. Also, I pretty much love that photo of you. :)


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