
happy monday things

//listening to max sing made up songs while he gets ready for school//finding a $20 couch at the salvation army and making it mine (now if i could only convince everyone that it isn't infested with fleas)//hearing baby's heartbeat again...now that's a swoony sound! (p.s. i accidentally flashed an old man in the parking lot after my appointment when a gust of wind met my dress...it was a sad sight)//making up with mimi the dog...we broke up for a few weeks after i caught her doing something terrible in the living room. oh dear//dinner plans with my mama and aunt...mom has been so sick and i haven't been able to be around her for weeks now. oh how i'm aching for a hug!

i hope your monday has been a pleasant one!
and if it hasn't been so much, at least you didn't subject a little old man to your wool tights pulled all the way up over a pregnant belly.
things are looking up!
happy monday!


  1. haha! you poor dear.

    today i'm sitting in the library while it's damp and cold outside. and the best part about this whole day is that my very own darling niece is being born today. i cant' wait to be an auntie!


  2. Love this post! And I am sure you made that old mans day...pregnant belly with wool
    Tights at all ha!

  3. Love that you flashed an old man. Hilarious.

    ♥ sécia

  4. I'm glad to hear you were wearing tights!!

  5. yet another adorable outfit.
    i HATE when the wind blows my skirts up. i'm trying to be all ladylike and boom! it's out the window, ahhaha.

  6. It could've been worse, you might not have been wearing wool tights! They do look great though, especially with the yellow dress and heidi braids :)

  7. happy monday to you! coming here is pure sunshine!

  8. Love, love, love this photo! And those shoes! Where did you get them?
    x Katherine

  9. Desmond and I have broken up many, many times. =) And you know, I have have found that a freshly bathed pup seems to make my heart a little softer when things were rough. hahaha

  10. Glad things are looking up and that you and Mimi are all made up. She always reminds me of our Jasper and if their personalities are anything alike I'm sure you couldn't stay mad at her long. :)


  11. that couch! if only i could be so lucky! although i think if i brought one home my husband would say it has fleas too. :)

    happy monday!

  12. I love your pictures! How lovely, these Happy Monday Things, it makes me happy, too! (Love those heels!)

    Jessica | Vixenelle

  13. you always have the loveliest lighting in your pictures. And that couch! What a find.

  14. At least you flashed him in style, haha!

  15. Finding a $20 couch that I love is kinda my dream. Fleas or no. ;)

    Love your look today!


  16. Haha .. Reminds me of a time when my mom and I were in Montreal and we turned a corner and for some reason there was a sudden gust of wind that completely lifted my dress right up. And it was summertime, so there were no tights involved (though, of course, underwear). A handsome man was walking towards us at the time and as he passed, without missing a beat, he simply said, 'Thank You'. I'm sure that is what your gentleman was thinking, as you gifted him with the once in a lifetime sight!

    Loulou Downtown

  17. oh I just hate it when that wind comes....happened to me a couple of times and it really is a most terrible thing....

    Isn't making up yith the doggy just so sweet.....I can never really be mad at boots for more then...let's say...half a day...but the cuddles afterwards are just wonderful :)

    babys heartbeat.....*sigh* wonderful!


  18. What a lovely photo! And is that your nice new $20 yellow couch?! I love it!!

  19. I love the color of your Salvation Army find. Actually, I would love a pea coat in that color. And congratulations on swoon-creating beats and happy pups with their unconditional love.

  20. The wind gust thing has happened to me once before when I wasn't wearing tights...now that's embarrassment...lol Love your braids.

    xo erica

  21. Happiest of Mondays (although it's now Tuesday) to you Katie.


  22. Hello love! Here I am...
    We have almost the same couch. We also got it from a thrift store–$30! What a dream!


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