
tootsie roll day

today has been such an odd and funny day. 
the kind where your 7 year old sits on you why you try to do embarrassing pregnant yoga poses, you chip your tooth on a ball of metal found in a tootsie roll, and you have an anxiety attack at the ice skating rink while a black eyed peas song is playing (i saw a little old man power-walking along the top row of the bleachers, pumping his fists and weights to the beat of the music, mid attack...it was a beautiful moment. haha)
the past few days have been a funny mix of tripping and crashing and breaking everything around me...
i've gotten to be so clumsy and off kilter in all my pregnant state. butter fingers for days!

it's nothing a little hot chocolate and homemade marshmallows can't fix! (until i spilled some on me. ack!)
i love having these marshmallows around in the winter. and there is something really special and satisfying about making them from scratch!
(i use martha's recipe found here...)

i hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
we got the saddest amount of snow...but i still am holding out hope! and matt and i spent our saturday night having a hot date at the laundry mat. it really is a romantic place! clean smells and vending machines and sitting and waiting on the wash while holding hands. 

happy happy monday! here's hoping i straighten myself up soon soon soon.


  1. i love your outfit so much. everything just goes perfectly together.
    great post! :))
    -jocee <3

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So beautiful! V. jealous re: winter, I'm in the dead of summer atm- plz have a hot chocolate for me :) x

  4. those marshmallows are adorable. I should make some!

    Have a great week!


  5. lady, you are a pregnant goddess. seriously, you are so gorge.

    those marshmallows look amazing.
    i'm sorry you've been so off kilter lately, and panic attacks are the worst.
    i hope your day looks up from now on!

  6. at least you have marshmallows, it could be worse :)

    p.s. yay for prenatal yoga! the prenatal yoga class that i teach is one of my favorites to teach, so nice to be in a room full of gorgeous mumas. x

  7. That's a weird series of events...what do you mean there was a ball of metal in your tootsie roll? Isn't that um...not supposed to happen? haha

  8. Love the way you take pictures, they are always so crisp and new looking. Also the outfit is very cute :)

  9. I am so horrified about your tooth!! I hope you will contact the company about it.

    I made marshmallows before Christmas but I need to try Martha's recipe.

  10. metal in your tootsie roll!? ohh no that sounds terrible. i'm also especially clumsy in this pregnant state. you're not alone!

    p.s. the most awkward prenatal yoga video ever is found on netflix instant play. it's called hot yoga mama or something like that. i could not stop laughing the whole time i was doing it... and never went back to it.

  11. I can honestly say that I have never been to a romantic laundromat.. maybe it's your momma-to-be hormones giving you a rosy tinge to life ;)

  12. I hope you contacted the Tootsie Roll people about your tooth! Ack!

    I have been thinking about little other than homemade marshmallows the last couple days. I finally found vegan gelatin, so they are in my very near future.

  13. Aw no! If it makes you feel any better, I knocked out my two front teeth a couple years ago. I thought I'd never adjust, but meh, they're just teeth =). Now I'm a hot 26 year old with dentures.

    I hope you feel better! Thanks for writing such an honest, beautiful blog. You are awesome!

  14. you are so cute!! love the marshmallows :)

    xx Ashleigh

  15. I love it. Cute outfit, simple joys. :)

  16. what a day! i remember how off "balance" i always felt with my pregnancies. oh, and the forgetfulness! i was the worst.

    cheers to hot chocolates with homemade marshmallows. arent' the the best? i usually add a twist and make toasted coconut marshmallows and make my hot cocoa with coconut milk.

    happy monday!

  17. Oh, no!! I'm so sorry you chipped your tooth :( I'm the biggest klutz when I'm pregnant too. I always say that God made pregnant women clumsy so we wouldn't try to take on too many things and over-exert ourselves. I dunno, somehow that helps me. At least I have funny stories to tell people once my pregnancy brain is gone!

  18. oh my goodness. never eating a tootsie roll again!

  19. Crazy tootsie roll debacle!

    Well no matter your feeling of clumsiness - Pregnancy can really throws one off balance!

    p.s. do you have any maternity clothing secrets? It looks like your still wearing "normal" clothing so I just wondered. ;)


  20. Oh dear... sounds like my entire pregnancy! Wish I had such adorable style during mine though! You look fab. Congrats on your birthday and the baby.

  21. Oh gosh... i really love your top !
    You are beautiful :)


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