
mornings and goodbyes

most mornings look like this. max and sis in cahoots...sweet talking whispering throughout the house. bedhead and tired eyes and smiles for days. 
it's a gift...

it's been a rough few days...our hearts are heavy. 
we lost our mimi early wednesday morning. she was hit by a car during one of her many runaway adventures.
she was such a crazy little thing...and i wasn't always the most patient. but i sit here this morning amazed by how entangled we all became. how she was ours and we were hers. no matter what. and so we celebrate. and i look at my chewed up shoes a little differently.



  1. A million sorries for the loss of Mimi. Losing a pet is awful and heart wrenching. I hope you all feel peace soon.

  2. I'm so sorry! We just went through this 3 weeks ago. Our little guy got out of our yard and was hit by a car. It's so devastating losing a pet. I was more upset than I ever would have thought. Hoping your hearts heal soon!

  3. oh, I'm so sorry! That's so sad. I'm thankful for your memories though :)

    And those pictures of your two sweeties are the cutest. Phoebe is smiling!

  4. So sorry about the loss of your dog....it is amazing how attached we become. Hopefully your loss becomes more bearable soon.

    P.S. Your kids are sooo beautiful ;o)

  5. very sorry to hear about mimi. enjoy your chewed shoes. mimi did. ;)

  6. If those aren't the cutest darn pictures of them two!!! How lucky you are :)

    Very sorry to hear about Mimi, pets have a way of getting to our hearts like nothing else. All the best!

  7. so sorry for your loss. pups are truly part of the family!

  8. I'm so sorry that you lost a part of your family. Our pets are such a central part of my family's life and my memories, they fill such a vital role of love and non-judgmentalness in children's lives.

  9. You gave me chills :( I'm so sorry about Mimi. I can't imagine. Sorry for your loss. ♥Lindsay

  10. Sweetest pictures. Sorry for your loss.

  11. I'm so sorry! Losing pets is so, so hard.

    But I must say, these photos of brother and sister are absolutely priceless. Such wonderful moments.

  12. It's amazing how pets become another member of the family. It's scary imagining life without them.

  13. Sorry for your loss..stay strong k. She's in doggy heaven now :)

  14. I'm so sorry to hear that - she looks like a beautiful dog.

  15. I am so sorry about Mimi! Such a sweetie. Hugs xxx

  16. Your son and daughter remind me so much if my two kids...
    So sorry about Mimi. My thoughts are with you. It is hard to loose a pet.

  17. I'm sorry to hear of your loss....

  18. what beautiful photos you create, capturing beautiful moments. I'm so sorry to hear about mimi, I very nearly lost my little stevie that way this week - she was spooked by another dog in the park and ran out, across a busy main road. We were very, very lucky she wasnt hit.
    Better to live a short, free and happy life than a long, sad one. xxxxxxxx

  19. I am absolutely in love with that nursery! The wall paper is perfect! Your sweet boy and the book! All perfect. Simply lovely. And for Mimi, I am so sorry. We had a dog that was sick for a while and crazy since birth. But you forget and forgive all the crazy, and sure miss them when they are gone! Thank you for sharing your blog!


  20. I am so sorry to hear about Mimi- having lost family pets when we were younger I know exactly the heartache it brings. Hugs to you all.

  21. such tender and loving pictures. So sorry about Mimi. I too wish I had acted with my patience towards our past dog :(.

  22. Oh, so sorry to hear that. :( We said goodbye to our pup, Oliver, almost two years ago and it still feels fresh. Big hugs.

  23. Omg! I'm terribly sorry to hear about your precious Mimi. She'll be remembered and missed <3

  24. I am so, so sorry for your loss.

  25. Man that gal sure loves her big brother! Those smiles are so sweet.

    I'm sorry to hear about your pup. My oldest daughter was about Max's age when her kitty "peanut butter" escaped the house and met her fate with the neighbors car. That first loss, when they're old enough to really understand that they aren't coming back, is surely a tough one. I send my love.

  26. those pictures are darling! and i'm so sorry about mimi :( that is so heartbreaking.
    ~niki <3

  27. I'm so sorry. My family lost our pup earlier this week in similar circumstances. It's heartbreaking. :(

  28. I am so sorry to hear about Mimi. It was so sad and hard to see my boyfriend lose his cat of 17 years to sickness. Hugs!

  29. all my good feelings, prayers, and vibes are going to you during this tough time (losing your dog). Loss is hard, no matter if it's an animal or a family member.

  30. oh, katie! i have tears in my eyes. losing a pet is really rough... i am so, so sorry for all of you. just know that you gave her a beautiful, happy life - and that's all a sweet pup could ever hope for.

    wrapping you guys up in my heart and sending a lot of love. xo.

  31. Very sorry to hear about Mimi, just lost a furry friend myself. x

  32. I am so sorry for your loss.

  33. I'm sorry for your loss. <3 The photo of Max and sis holding hands is the sweetest.

  34. SO sorry to hear about your pup! As a fellow dog "mama" I know how deeply involved pets become in our lives. My heart goes out to you guys.

  35. So sorry :( Luckily your babies are happy and healthy

    xo Ashley

  36. sending many a well wishes your way...

  37. Aww, so sad about Mimi. It must be very hard for you.

  38. i'm so sorry about your sweet dog :( losing pets is like losing family. sending thoughts your way.


  39. my heart goes out to you katie. such a horrible, horrible loss.

  40. I'm sorry for your family's loss Katie....
    Thank you for sharing such sweet photos in the midst of your sadness and pain.
    Ronnie xo

  41. Oh Katie this makes me so sad. I adore seeing how effortless the bond is between your two littles, but it hurts me to think of losing a pet who somehow has become more than just a pet!

  42. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your furry family member. :(

  43. oh katie, i am so sorry!! that is so difficult. our bailey is a runner too and my nerves would be through the roof. he also got hit, but pulled through.

    i'm thinking of you dear and your family. my heart goes out to you.


  44. I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved, wild Mimi. That is a hauntingly beautiful photo of her...and very sad.

  45. big hugs!!! we lost our sweet pup in may and some days i still walk into the house expecting her to greet me. time does help, but there will forever be a hole in my heart. sending lots of love your way.

  46. I'm so sorry to hear about your dog - it's so devastating to lose a pet. On a positive note .... THAT SMILE. Kellie xx

  47. Your kids are the absolute cutest.
    And I feel for you with the loss of your dog. I've experienced that and It's not an easy thing to go through. I hope you guys feel comforted during this time. *hugs*

  48. Sorry for your loss, Katie! I've lost a lot of great pets that way and it always hurts :-/

  49. What gorgeous photos of your two precious children.
    And as for your loss, my heart goes out to you. Losing a pet is just like losing a family member and it's so hard. And it's always the way - they are always annoying us, under our feet, at us for food, but when they are gone, we really do miss them. Thinking of you Katie.

  50. Rest in peace, Mimi. Seeing her gorgeous photo and just your few words about her passing brought tears to my eyes. Deepest sympathies for your loss, Katie and all the family.

  51. so sorry about mimi! i would be devastated.

  52. I'm so sorry to hear about Mimi. I know how hard it is to lose a pet. They're part of the family, and it feels no different than losing one. Sending all my love your way!

  53. so very sad to hear about mimi. love you friend.

  54. I'm seeing your blog for the first time, I'm so sorry for your lost....

  55. so sorry to hear about mimi. it's hard to lose a family member, even when they're not the people kind.

  56. I'm so, so sorry to hear about your pup.

  57. So very sorry to hear about Mimi.

  58. I've been following your blog from time to time but never left words because your family is such an inspiration and left me simply inspired and quite speechless. heh. We know Mimi will live long throughout your beautiful hearts! Blessings. :)

  59. my womb just exploded.
    i can't handle all the preciousness in this post.
    andrea >>he calls me wifey

  60. p.s. i'm so sorry to hear about Mimi. i hope your family is doing well adjusting without her.


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