
road trip chicago

we hit the road thursday for a quick trip to chicago with the little ones. this was our first time traveling as a family of 4 and it was everything i dreamed it would be...or not so much! there was a lot of sass and grump and rain and late night throwing up followed by a bit of 5:30 a.m wake up let's play already...from both kids. hmph! but isn't that what family vacations are all about?

despite it all we had a real time...strolling around the city, doing a bit of shopping, visiting the aquarium and sharing banana pudding next to the beluga whales. we ate good food at rootstock every night and i had the most amazing bath of my life in our little hotel room at PUBLIC. unlimited hot water does wonders for the soul.

i've had such an ache for a change of scenery lately...i think this did the trick. rainy misty chicago is really something beautiful. even if we did all come home with colds.


  1. I've been to Chicago once in 2011 and I loved it. So I'm always happy when I see someone going there and returning with lovely pics. And yours are the best! As always :)! I'm in love with the hotel room pics. Love from Germany, Fee

  2. Nice! I spent my wedding night at Public (got married down the street at Maxim's) and they hooked us up. The rooms are so light and gorgeous. Thinking of road tripping with a baby and this gives me a wee bit of courage.

  3. I'm glad you had fun in Chicago! My hubby and I currently live there/here. :) The weather has been horrible lately; I'm sorry you got colds!

  4. A trip with the kids is a good way to feel like a kid again. We just got back from Circus Circus in Reno with our two little boys. What fun!
    Your photographs are absolutely stunning.

    Kelli Girsch - Buybabydeals.com

  5. Oh fun! Sorry you all come home with colds, but Chicago is a fun place to visit! Glad you had a good trip!

  6. one day, i would love to see and explore this city. until then, these beautiful photos will have to do! looks like you guys had a great time!

  7. lady, you gotta let me know next time! i'd love to meet up for a coffee when you're here!

    1. eeep! you're telling me!
      we had plans to fly somewhere warm and exotic...and then last minute ended up on the road to chicago. haha.

      when we have proper time to plan, seeing you and the mr. will be first on our list!

  8. I´m going to Chicago in September - love the city and love that I can fly without transfer from Sweden! :-)

  9. Rain or cold...a trip away seems like just the antidote for us Ohioans right about now! Lucky you guys! =)

  10. Amazing how a change of scenery can hit the right spot! We stayed in a hotel one night last week- there's something so novel about a bed that you don't have to make that makes waking up just that much better. I haven't been to Chicago in a while- think I should head back up for a visit one day soon!

  11. Oh, how I love that city! My husband surprised me and re-proposed there this past December, while on a weekend getaway from the kiddos, so it will always hold a special place in my heart. (http://cocoonofchaos.typepad.com/cocooon_of_chaos/2012/12/surprise-in-chicago.html). Sorry you are sick now, but happy to hear the change of scenery warmed your heart! Happy almost Spring!

  12. I love seeing the city in live in from your perspective! Makes me want to go out and take some pictures. I've been so discouraged by the dreary weather but you somehow make it look tolerable!

    1. oh, definitely do it! at first i was so sad when it started raining but it really made the city that much lovelier! the buildings and the sky and the lake all one color....so good!

  13. Looks like fun! I've never been!

  14. Love your photos! Always so clean and simple. And the last photo of the 3 of you is beautiful :)

  15. Love your photos Katie!$ You have a great eye!

  16. Ohhh, this looks so nice. I've been itching to go to Chicago.

  17. Aw so sorry you guys were ill. I hope everyone is feeling better. Yes you still somehow took amazing photos. How on earth do you always find the coolest photo backdrops?

  18. Rootstock is so yummy! My friend and I went back twice in one night for mussels. Your photos are so airy and light.

    1. it's so so good! my (almost, soon!) sister in law tonya is one of the owners. she keeps a steady flow of ginger ale and not so scary cheeses coming to our table..haha.

  19. beautiful trip! I love that photo of max leaping onto the bed :)

  20. Chicago is my FAVORITE city! I'm so glad you were able to visit and spend quality time with the family :D

  21. I love making an escape to Chicago. I have cabin fever big time to the point that I'm trying to convince my husband we should pack up and move across the country (happens every winter). Right now I'm dreaming of a weekend in Louisville or especially Asheville, NC.

  22. I like having road trips. It gives me some huge experience adventure.

  23. allways beautiful pictures

  24. Looks like your family had a wonderful little trip to my city! Gorgeous photos.


  25. my fiancee and i are considering going to chicago for our honeymoon! If you have a moment, would you mind telling us your favourite places there? If we go, we would definitely check out root stock bar. I would love to hear your other favourites!



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